
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Economy proof your life!

As the economy continues to be high on everyone's worry list those of us in network marketing are not feeling that pinch quite like many across the world are.  Why?  Because the truth is if you have built your business right, built your business strong, the economy will have little effect on your finances!  

Now, you might be in the industry already and if so you might also be enjoying a very lucrative income.  Or, it could be that you've been working your tail off only to discover you are spending more than you are earning!  Possibly you are just now looking at the industry and wondering if it is right for you?  It really doesn't matter where you are at with it right now.  What does matter is where you want to go with it.  If you are ready to really grab hold of opportunity and make financial freedom your own... you can do it but it's going to take some work!

It drives me absolutely crazy how many people forget that WORK is required!  Remember this is netWORK marketing, work is part of the equation!  The work we do as network marketers isn't brain surgery, it is actually very simple but it is work, it does require effort!  Don't fall prey to that old get in and get rich hype!  Understand that you are going to be working but in this industry your work will pay off big time and it will continue to pay off big time for years to come! 

If you are willing to learn and apply what you learn... there are no limits on what you can achieve!  Remember, anyone CAN do this but only a small percentage will do what it takes to have the life of their dreams! 

Your first step is to align with the right company but right up there with selecting the company you are going to work with will be selecting your sponsor!  A good sponsor in network marketing can make all the difference in the world! 

First let's talk about companies.  There are a few that really stand out right now in the industry so I'm going to focus on those for now.

Bellamora International is one of the hottest opportunities you'll find and with good reason!  This company has very deep pockets and they are doing something unheard of the industry.  Right now you can join Bellamora at absolutely no cost!  You'll receive a free sample of their product, have your own free website, free backoffice, free training, the list just goes on and on. And this company offers a patented compensation plan that is going to pay out more money to more people than any other plan in existence!   Yes, I'm involved in this one... anyone who has been in the industry and is knowledgeable about the industry either is in or will be in soon.  Why?  Because this one folks is a huge winner!  In just a few short weeks, this company has already blown through industry records and they haven't even rolled out the red carpet yet!  Bellamora International is definitely the top choice!

MPB Today is another hot choice in the industry.  In truth, this one is somewhat of a no brainer for anyone.  MPB Today is a grocery company but in reality the big attraction with MPB Today is not really groceries at all!  The attraction is that with this company you make a one time purchase and you never have further out-of-pocket expense with the exception of a low $10 per year website fee.  The income from MPB Today is very quick and substantial.  Some recent changes to the company compensation plan have elevated MPB Today to real front runner in the industry making it well worth your consideration.  And yes, I have my hat in the MPB Today arena!  Because I meet many marketers that simply do want to deal with monthly autoships, I find this company is the perfect one to align with if you are one that prefers the one time purchase. 

Pur3X is one I do not have any involvement with but feel is a frontrunner in the industry.  The company offers a matrix compensation plan, some very unique products including a recent addition that is truly outstanding in every way.  Product development is credited to Dr. Kenneth Kroll who is in my opinion absolutely brilliant!  The products that this man will bring to Pur3X will be outstanding in every way.  Expect to see some amazing things from this company over the next few months including an unprecedented move that is just weeks away from unfolding.  This one move will blow the minds of everyone in the industry!  I can't tell you the details as it is secret info but let me just say... aligning yourself with Pur3X just might be an incredibly smart move right now!  Truth is, I'll most definitely be purchasing some of their products for my own use!  

Selecting your sponsor is something you want to do as carefully as selecting the company you align yourself with!  Why?  Because your sponsor is your first connection and the one that will either provide you with the support you need or be unreachable.  A good sponsor will have direct communication with those at the top.  They will have information to offer you and help to offer you.  They will be focused and they will be a huge help to you in every way.  Do not confuse years in the industry as the key component that you should use in deciding!  The truth is many brand new network marketers are excellent sponsors.  Instead look at how active they are, find out how responsive they are, find out if they are able to either personally answer your questions or find out the answers to your questions.  Are they building a team? Are they promoting teamwork?  Are they a good match for you?  Don't buy into the self-proclaimed guru pitch!  If they want to sell you their help... you might want to find out if another sponsor is offering that help at no cost.  A good sponsor will not charge you to learn!  A good sponsor wants to help you!  Now, understand they are not going to do your work for you!  If they are successful in the industry they don't have time for that and they understand that in truth.... doing the work for you would be very detrimental for you!  They want you to be successful and they want you to know how to be successful!

On the note of sponsors, feel free to give me a call, email me or catch me on Skype!  I might be the right fit for you!  

Phone: 316-788-9943
Skype: vickie.haun

Moving forward we'll discuss even more companies, offer you some tips and tricks to get your business going and recognized online, and discuss some of the most common mistakes new network marketers make!  

Until next time!

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