
Friday, December 10, 2010

MLM lessons learned!

Something I've learned in the network marketing industry....
sometimes you have to eat your words!!! 

I was going to make my next post more about companies but I decided to share with you all something that has come full circle for me. 

If any of you have read any of my stuff around the net you've probably run across a few posts I've made about my hate of binary compensation plans.  Now, you might also now be thinking 'what the heck she's in a company with a binary plan' and you would be absolutely right!  Bellamora is a binary plan and I have always ranted about my hate of binary plans!  But, as with most things if you live long enough you get to eat a few of your words sooner or later.  I still hate most binary plans and truth is that when I hear those famous words "you get paid on your weaker leg" I have to admit that I cringe a bit.  But, I've also learned more about them and in doing so have learned not all binary plans are created equal!  So, today I am very involved with a binary plan and I love it!  Crazy, isn't it? 

I now have finally learned enough to realize that it really isn't the type of compensation plan that I hate....... I simply did not know enough to have an educated opinion!  Yes, I'm admitting the mistake.  Those that know me also know I have no problem admitting that I most definitely do not know everything and I sometimes spout off my opinions when I should be doing a bit more homework.

I call it my way of getting an education!  You see I am one of those people that consider life an ongoing education in itself.  I continue to learn and will do so forever.  I'm not afraid to tell you about my mistakes and I'm not afraid to tell you when I discover I'm wrong. 

The way I see it, if I share my mistakes and successes with you..... that puts you ahead of the game so I'm happy to share.  I'm thankful that many wonderful people have and continue to share with me.

This hard knock education of mine has led me to success so I'm very thankful for not only the wins but the losses as well! 

So, what type of compensation plan is the one that I now think is the best?  Plain and simply one that is fair, balanced and lucrative not only for the veteran but the new person.  Pretty much that sums it up.  Truth is, I don't care what you call it.  I only care that it will allow a new person to be profitable quickly and allow the builders to be profitable as well.  I care that it will keep the company healthy and allow those that are willing to do the work the opportunity to be financially independent. 

I'm not willing to work my tail off only to see a tiny check come out of it and I am not willing to promote a company that will make it difficult if not almost impossible for a brand new network marketer to see profitability!  I want my new associates to be profitable fast and stay that way. And of course, I expect the same for myself. 

I believe I've found the right fit for me.  Maybe it is the right fit for you?  A few years back I struggled to build a team of 50, today I watch my team grow by triple that daily!  How?  By applying what I've learned!  I work hard, I'm a team player, I believe in supporting my team!  And, I continue to learn all the time. 

I'm building an enormous team with Bellamora... the team has doubled in size over the past couple of days!  If you are looking for a team to join, I invite you to join us.  We have many of the top industry leaders on our team and our experiences can help you finally see the success you dream of.  We can give you a roadmap but it will be up to you to follow it. 

So, if you are caught up in that compensation plan trap like I was....... let me suggest that you throw out your old mindset and begin again.  Begin with a fresh mind, a fresh attitude and make 2011 the year that turns your life into the life you dream of! 

Vickie, who has just eaten her words and explained why!
Until next time!

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